Lustre Ca'rezzonico de Murano

Lustres en verre de Murano

du type Ca'rezzonico :


Ils tirent leur nom d'une des plus célèbres palais de Venise, situés dans la Dorsoduro et surplombant le Grand Canal entre le Palais Contarini Michiel et le Palazzo Bernardo Nani, non loin de Ca'Foscari.


Ca' Rezzonico in short is the seat of the

Museum of the Venetian 18th century, but

it also houses an immense historical

treasure of Murano glass chandeliers:

the Ciocca or Rezzonico chandelier to

understand us, the first one designed

and designed by Giuseppe Briati and

made in Murano in the second half

of the 18th century. A monumental

Murano galss chandelier of sumptuousness

and lightness, supported by an innovative

interlocking technique that seems to cancel

the supporting structure among the coloured

reflections. The Ciocca or rezzonico

chandelier is the focal point of

the exhibition curated by Cornelia

Lauf under the scientific direction

of Gabriella Belli.

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